Like a Baby’s First Months

The Recovery Center is growing like an infant in the first year of life. It is following a fairly predictable path.

The Dr. Jay L. Hoecker, MD, Mayo Clinic, states that in the first six (6) months, a typical baby will grow up to one (1) inch per month and double its birth weight. Further, he states that growth slows a tad and the typical baby triples his or her birth weight by about age one (1). (Source:

The weight of our program is influenced by the training provided by Wellness Management & Recovery (WMR). Castle members Julie Juergens, Beth Couch, and Castle Staff members Greg Darling and Bill Schwochow attended a four (4)-day co-facilitator training by WMR at Solutions in Lebanon. Since then, we have been busy establishing WMR at the Recovery Center and birthing our first WMR group, known as “The Pilots.”

While not documented, already we have seen growth in encouraging voice and choice in self-directed care for wellness. One individual has already significantly altered the family system in which she lives toward health. Another person has been able to self-advocate in the presence of a clinical practitioner, resulting in more stable and consistent medication therapy.

We are excited that there is an economic benefit to our co-facilitators. While minimal, the co-facilitators are paid for their time during the co-facilitation process. This is required within the implementation of WMR.

So what can we predict for the Recovery Center? Our next WMR group will begin meeting within the next month. This group will be made up of some members but will mostly of referred individuals. Diane Ivan and Bill Schwochow have been talking with other community mental health agencies in the county about the Recovery Center. Our goal is to provide three (3) new groups within the next year.

We have been growing with WMR as well. It joined us for the Mental Health Awareness Prayer Vigil. Recovery Center Coordinator Bill Schwochow has joined the WMR Coordinating Center of Excellence Leadership Team, most recently by presenting a discussion about the use of story-telling in faith groups. We will be included within a network of WMR facilitators in Southwest Ohio, where within time we may be able to exchange co-facilitators and groups.

So our baby is growing, thanks to your support. To continue the growth of the Recovery Center, we will rely on your continued support to recovering wellness for this community. The terrible twos will come soon enough.
